Extended producer responsibility free riding

The high level of product sold through online marketplaces that is not compliant with extended producer responsibility legislation is well established. The Covid-19 pandemic has further exacerbated the problem, as the growth in online sales has accelerated.
EucoLight is organizing a webinar on 9th December 2020 (14:00-16:00 CET) to discuss
“National approaches to prevent non-compliant sales through online marketplaces – Extended producer responsibility free riding”.
A number of Member states are now taking decisive legislative action to solve the non-compliance problem. This webinar is intended to showcase the range of solutions being implemented across the EU. It will give Member States, and other countries that have not yet taken action, options for tackling the growing scourge of online non-compliance. It will also show compliant producers the steps that are now being taken to create a level playing field.
As Marc Guiraud, Secretary General of EucoLight, points out: “The event aims to bring to attention to the range of approaches that are being adopted across the EU, in this included marketplaces deemed to be a producers, the compulsory verification model and the simplified responsibility model. This is an opportunity for cross learning that will be of particular interest to national and EU regulators”.
This webinar is held at a particular moment where the ,European Commission has published a study that highlights the scale problem and an array of solutions, where Member States, notably France and Germany, came up with clear legislative provisions, and last but not least the Commission is issuing its proposals to update the regulatory framework for online intermediaries, through its “Digital Services Act” package.
Registration is required for joining the online event. The complete agenda and the registration form are available on Eucolight website.
A replay of the webinar is available on the ,Event Page